Fundação Oswaldo Cruz
Ano 2012, N.39


A 39ª edição do Boletim Eletrônico da Biblioteca de Ciências Biomédicas, no mês de julho, traz artigos sobre hepatite e tracoma, lembrando o Dia Mundial de Luta Contra Hepatites Virais, data instituída pela OMS e comemorada no dia 28. O boletim visa ampliar o acesso à informação científica em saúde, principalmente em relação a doenças infecciosas e parasitárias. Nele, o leitor terá acesso às revistas científicas ao clicar nos títulos das mesmas, a todo o conteúdo dos artigos no link "leia o artigo" e a fontes de informação qualificadas sobre temáticas específicas, selecionadas por profissionais de informação do Instituto de Comunicação e Informação Científica e Tecnológica em Saúde da Fiocruz, em edições mensais.

Acesso Livre



PATHIL, A. et al. Ursodeoxycholyl lysophosphatidylethanolamide improves steatosis and inflammation in murine models of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. Hepatology, Baltimore, v. 55, n. 5, p. 1369-1378, May 2012.

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FRIEDMAN, S. L. Focus: an emerging conceptual scaffold for NASH. Journal of hepatology, Amsterdam, v. 56, n. 3, p. 511-512, Mar. 2012.

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Lee, Y. S; Jeong, W. I. Retinoic acids and hepatic stellate cells in liver disease. Journal of gastroenterology and hepatology, Melbourne, v. 27, p. 75-79, Mar. 2012. Supplement 2.

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LEE, J. A.; PAYETTE, M.; OSIECKI, J. Viral hepatitis: targeted tests and therapies contribute to improved outcomes. MLO medical laboratory observer, v. 44, n. 3, p. 18-20, Mar. 2012.

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PRICE, J. C. et al. HIV monoinfection is associated with increased aspartate aminotransferase-to-platelet ratio index, a surrogate marker for hepatic fibrosis. Journal of infectious diseases, Chicago, v. 205, n. 6, p. 1005-10013, Mar. 2012.

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ZIERDEN, M. et al. Keratin 8 variants are associated with cryptogenic hepatitis.  Virchows archiv, Berlin, v. 460, n. 4, p. 389-397, Apr. 2012.

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SAUER, V et al. Repeated transplantation of hepatocytes prevents fulminant hepatitis in a rat model of Wilson's disease. Liver transplantation, Philadelphia, v. 18, n. 2, p. 248-259, Feb. 2012.

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FINLAY, L. A. et al. R-α-lipoic acid does not reverse hepatic inflammation of aging, but lowers lipid anabolism, while accentuating circadian rhythm transcript profiles. American journal of physiology, Bethesda, v. 302, n. 5, p. R587-597, Mar. 2012.

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VANDERHEYDEN, T. R. et al. Granulomatous hepatitis due to Bartonella henselae infection in an immunocompetent patient. BMC infectious diseases, London, v. 12, p. 17, 2012.

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AL-QURAISHY, S. et al. Liver response of rabbits to Eimeria coecicola infections. Parasitology research, Berlin, v. 110, n. 2, p. 901-911, Feb. 2012.

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Doenças Negligenciadas



TAYLOR,  H. R.  et al. Prevalence of trachoma in a single community, 1975-2007.
Clinical & Experimental Ophthalmology, Carlton, v.  40, n.  2,  p. 121-126, Mar.  2012 .

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RAJAK,  S. N.; COLLIN,  J. R.;  BURTON , M. J. Trachomatous trichiasis and its management in endemic countries. Survey of ophthalmology, Boston, v. 57, n. 2, p. 105-35, Mar.-Apr.2012 .

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 HU,  V. H.;  et al.  Innate immune responses and modified extracellular matrix regulation characterize bacterial infection and cellular/connective tissue changes in scarring trachoma. Infection and immunity, Washington, v. 80, n. 1, p. 121-130, Jan. 2012.
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RABIU,  M. ; ALHASSAN,  M. B.; EJERE,  H. O. D.;  EVANS,  J. R.  Environmental sanitary interventions for preventing active trachoma. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews;  n. 5,  CD004003, 2012.

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HARRIS SR;  et al. Whole-genome analysis of diverse Chlamydia trachomatis strains identifies phylogenetic relationships masked by current clinical typing. Nature genetics, New York,  v. 44, n.4, p. 413-419, S1, Apr. 2012.

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Acervo de Inovação e Propriedade Intelectual



MACKEY, T. K.; LIA,  B. A.  Promoting global health: utilizing WHO to integrate public health, innovation and intellectual property. Drug discovery today, Oxford, June,  2012.

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ANFRAY,  C.;  EMERY,  M.P.;  CONWAY,  K.;  ACQUADRO,  C. Questions of copyright.  Health and quality of life outcomes, London, v.10, p.16, 2012.

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TAYLOR, M. R.Innovation under cap-and-trade programs.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, v. 109, n. 13, p. 4804-4809, Mar 2012.

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RUTZ,  B.  From bench to market: life science patents in Europe. Biotechnology Joournal,  v. 7, n. 2, p. 171-175, Feb. 2012.

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PENTLAND,  A. P.; CONNOLLY,  N.L.; FAHNER-VIHTELIC,  J. E. Patents and growth. Journal of investigative dermatology, Baltimore, v. 132, n. 3 pt 2, p.  1037-1041, Mar. 2012.

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Projeto Original
Conceição Carvalho -
Diones Ramos -
Fátima Duarte -
Mônica Garcia -
Rafael Cavadas -
Michele Nogueira -
Fernando Proença -

Programação Visual
Marcelo Vasconcellos -

Revisão de Conteúdo
Cristiane d'Avila -
Graça Portela -

Desenvolvimento de Sistema
Rosicler Magalhães-

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