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Fundação Oswaldo Cruz
Ano 2017, N.97


A 97ª edição do Boletim Eletrônico da Biblioteca de Manguinhos traz artigos sobre propriedade intelectual, Poliomielite e Oncocercose. A iniciativa visa ampliar o acesso à informação científica em saúde, principalmente em relação a doenças infecciosas e parasitárias. No Boletim, o leitor terá acesso às revistas científicas ao clicar nos títulos, a todo o conteúdo dos artigos no link "leia" e a fontes de informação qualificadas sobre temáticas específicas selecionadas por profissionais de informação do Instituto de Comunicação e Informação Científica e Tecnológica em Saúde da Fiocruz, em edições mensais.


Acesso Livre



ABDELNABI, R.; DELANG, L.; NEYTS, J. Glutathione is a highly efficient thermostabilizer of poliovirus Sabin strains.Vaccine, Kidlington, v. 35, n. 10, p. 1370-1372, Mar. 2017.

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MINOR, P. D. , LANE, B, MIMMS, S. , BAR, P. Scientific consultation on the safety and containment of new poliovirus strains for vaccine production, clinical/regulatory testing and research. Report of a meeting held at NIBSC, Potters Bar, Hertfordshire, UK, 6/7th July 2016. Biologicals, London, n. 17, p. S1045-1056, May 2017.

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MOLODECKY, N. A. et al. Risk factors and short-term projections for serotype-1 poliomyelitis incidence in Pakistan: a spatiotemporal analysis. PLoS Medicine, San Francisco, v.14, n. 6, e1002323, Jun. 2017.

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AKBIK, F. et al Bibrachial plegia due to Lyme radiculopoliomyelitis-myelitis. Journal of the Neurological Sciences, v. 378, p. 1-2, Jul. 2017.

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O'REILLY, K. M. An assessment of the geographical risks of wild and vaccine-derived poliomyelitis outbreaks in Africa and Asia.BMC Infectious Diseases, v. 17, n. 1, p. 367, May. 2017.

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DIOP, O. M. et al. Virologic monitoring of poliovirus type 2 after OPV2 withdrawal in April 2016: an important advance in eradicating poliomyelitis and eliminating live oral poliovirus vaccines worldwide, 2016–2017. Weekly Epidemiologic Record, v. 92, n. 21, p. 293-300, May. 2017.

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FARRA, A. et al. Epidemiological surveillance of poliomyelitis during the military and political conflict in the Central African Republic, 2013 and 2014. Open Forum Infectious Diseases, v. 4, n. 1, Jan. 2017.

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LI, M. Z. et al. A Pneumonia case associated with type 2 polio vaccine strains. Chinese Medical Journal(Engl), Beijing , v. 130, n. 1, p. 111-112, Jan. 2017.

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MAES, E. F. Performance of acute flaccid paralysis (AFP) surveillance and incidence of poliomyelitis, 2017. Weekly Epidemiologic Record, v 92, n. 14, p. 175-179, Apr. 2017.

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BAHL S. Notes from the field: detection of sabin-like type 2 poliovirus from sewage after global cessation of trivalent oral poliovirus vaccine – Hyderabad and Ahmedabad, India, August-September 2016. MMWR Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, 2017 Jan v. 65, n. 52, p.1493-1494, Jan. 2017.

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Doenças Negligenciadas



LAMBERTON, P. H. et al. Onchocerciasis transmission in Ghana: the human blood index of sibling species of the Simulium damnosum complex. Parasites & Vectors, London, v. 9, n. 1, p. 432, Aug. 2016.

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CRAINEY, J. L. et al. The mitogenome of Onchocerca volvulus from the Brazilian Amazonia focus. Memórias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de Janeiro, v. 111, n. 1, p. 79-81, Jan. 2016.

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ANTINORI, S. et al. Is imported onchocerciasis a truly rare entity? Case report and review of the literature. Travel Medicine Infectious Disease, v. 16, p. 11-17, Feb. 2017.

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LAGATIE, O. ; VAN DORST, B. ; STUYVER, L. J. Identification of three immunodominant motifs with atypical isotype profile scattered over the Onchocerca volvulus proteome. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, San Francisco, v. 11, n.1, e0005330, Jan. 2017

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LONT YL; et al. Modelling Anti-Ov16 IgG4 Antibody Prevalence as an Indicator for Evaluation and Decision Making in Onchocerciasis Elimination Programmes. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, San Francisco, v. 11, n.1, e0005314, Jan. 2017.

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Acervo de Inovação e Propriedade Intelectual


VAN RAAN. A. F. Sleeping beauties cited in patents: Is there also a dormitory of inventions? Scientometrics, Netherlands, v.110, n. 3, p. 1123-1156, 2017

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FERES, M. V. C.; OLIVEIRA, J. V.; GONÇALVES, D. D. Robin Hood às avessas: software, pirataria e direito autoral. Revista direito GV, São Paulo, v. 13, n.1, p.69-94, Abr. 2017.

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Adriano, Eunice and Antunes, Maria Thereza Pompa Proposta para Mensuração de Patentes. Revista de administração contemporânea, Rio de Janeiro, v.21, n.1, p.125-141, Fev. 2017.

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MAXMEN A . Hepatitis C drugs re-energize global fight over patents. Nature, London, v. 543, n.7643, p. 17-18, Mar. 2017.

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GINSBURG, F. Indigenous media from u-matic to youtube: media sovereignty in the digital age. Sociologia & Antopologia, Rio de Janeiro, v.6, n.3, p.581-599, Dec. 2016.

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Projeto Original
Conceição Carvalho -
Diones Ramos -
Fátima Duarte -
Mônica Garcia -
Rafael Cavadas -
Michele Nogueira -
Fernando Proença -

Programação Visual
Marcelo Vasconcellos -

Revisão de Conteúdo
Cristiane d'Avila -
Graça Portela -

Desenvolvimento de Sistema
Rosicler Magalhães-

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