Content-type: text/html CGILua message
CGILua message

Lua error on configuration (or extension)

  Error:    unexpected type for concatenation
  Active Stack:
function _ERRORMESSAGE at C code
function: 0x9496510 at //S//sys/common/db_r_section_default.lua
function: 0x94965b8 at //S//sys/common/db_r_section_default.lua
function foreachi at C code
function: 0x9430b18 at //S//sys/common/db_r_section_default.lua
function: 0x9433fb8 at //S//sys/common/db_r_info_default.lua
function: 0x9438a68 at //S//sys/common/db_r_info_default.lua
function: 0x9463e70 at //S//sys/reader/w_infoview.lua
main of //S//sys/reader/w_infoview.lua
function old_dofile at C code
function dofile at //S//cgi/cgilua/cgilua.conf/pos_env.lua
main of //S//sys/reader/view.lua
function old_dofile at C code
function dofile at //S//cgi/cgilua/cgilua.conf/pos_env.lua
function useLibrary at //S//sys/config/system.lua
main of string " write("") useLibrary("home.bin") write("\n") useLibrary(", 10
function dostring at C code
function: 0x93dfc78 at //S//cgi/cgilua/cgilua.conf/preprocess.lua
function: 0x93dcf90 at //S//cgi/cgilua/cgilua.conf/preprocess.lua
function _initStart at //S//sys/reader/start.lua
main of //S//sys/reader/start.lua
function old_dofile at C code
function dofile at //S//cgi/cgilua/cgilua.conf/pos_env.lua
main of string " write("") dofile(ReaderDir.."start.bin") write(" \n") de", 2
function dostring at C code
function: 0x93dfc78 at //S//cgi/cgilua/cgilua.conf/preprocess.lua
function: 0x93dcf90 at //S//cgi/cgilua/cgilua.conf/preprocess.lua
function: 0x93c5880 at //S//cgi/cgilua/cgilua.conf/cgilua.lua
function: 0x93c5ec0 at //S//cgi/cgilua/cgilua.conf/cgilua.lua
main of //S//cgi/cgilua/cgilua.conf/cgilua.lua

CGILua 3.2.1 CGI  ©1995-99.