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Confira a lista dos artigos publicados em periódicos indexados pelos pesquisadores do Laboratório de Biologia Molecular Aplicada a Micobactérias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz (IOC/Fiocruz):


Indexado (fator de impacto < 1 ou sem FI)

Cristina P Araújo, Ana Luiza A. R. Osório, Klaudia S. G. Jorge, Carlos A. N. Ramos, Antonio F. Souza Filho, Carlos E. S. Vidal, Agueda P. C. Vargas, Eliana Roxo, Da Silva RA, Suffys PN, Antonio A. Fonseca Junior, Marcio R Silva, José D. Barbosa Neto, Valíria D. Cerqueira, Flábio R. Araújo 2014. Direct detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex in bovine and bubaline tissues through nested-PCR. Braz J Microbiol 45: 633-640.

Indexado (fator de impacto >=1 e < 2,71)

Borges LS, Santos AR, Suffys PN, Muxfeldt ES, Salles GF 2014. Different phenotypes of the NAT2 gene influences hydralazine antihypertensive response in patients with resistant hypertension. Pharmacology 15: 169-178.

Sergio Luiz Montego Ferreira Junior, Elis Regina Dalla Costa, Paula Gonçalves dos Santos, Gomes HM, Marcia Susana Nunes Silva, Leonardo Souza Esteves, Martha Maria Oliveira, Raquel de Abreu Maschmann, Afrânio Lineu Kritski, Suffys PN, Maria Lucia Rosa Rossetti 2014. In house reverse membrane hybridisation assay versus GenoType MTBDRplus and their performance to detect mutations in the genes rpoB, katG and inhA. Mem I Oswaldo Cruz 109(3): 307-314.

Indexado (fator de impacto >=2,71 e < 4,35)

Huber FD, Alexandra Sánchez, Gomes HM, Vasconcelos SEG, Véronique Massari d, Angela Barreto, Vanderci Cesconi b, Silvia Maria de Almeida Mach, Michel K. Gomgnimbou g,h,i, Christophe Sola, Bernard Larouzé d,e,j , Suffys PN, Saad MH 2014. Insights into the population structure of Mycobacterium tuberculosis using spoligotyping and RDRio in a southeastern Brazilian prison unit. Infect Genet Evol 26: 194-202.

Flávia A. D. de Freitas, Vagner Bernardo, Michel K. Gomgnimbou, Christophe Sola,, Hélio R. Siqueira, Márcia A. S. Pereira, Fátima C. O. Fandinho, Gomes HM, Marcelo E. I. Araújo, Suffys PN, Elizabeth A. Marques, Rodolpho M. Albano 2014. Multidrug resistant mycobacterium tuberculosis: A retrospective katG and rpoB mutation profile analysis in isolates from a reference center in Brazil. PLoS One 9: - .

Ribeiro SCM, Gomes LL, Amaral EP, Andrade MRM, Almeida FM, Rezende AL, Lanes VR, Carvalho ECQ, Suffys PN, Mokrousov I, Lasunskaia EB 2014. Mycobacterium tuberculosis Strains of the Modern Sublineage of the Beijing Family Are More Likely To Display Increased Virulence than Strains of the Ancient Sublineage. J Clin Microbiol 52: 2615-2624.

Vasconcelos SEG, Acosta CCD, Gomes LL, Emilyn Costa Conceição, Karla Valéria Lima, Marcelo Ivens de Araujo, Maria de Lourdes Leite, Flávio Tannure, Paulo Cesar de Souza Caldas, Gomes HM, Santos AR, Michel K. Gomgnimbou, Christophe Sola, David Couvin, Nalin Rastogi, Suffys PN 2014. Strain Classification of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Isolates in Brazil Based on Genotypes Obtained by Spoligotyping, Mycobacterial Interspersed Repetitive Unit Typing and the Presence of Large Sequence and Single Nucleotide Polymorphism. PLoS One 9: - .


Indexado (fator de impacto < 1 ou sem FI)
Arnaldo P, Thompson RE, Lopes MQP, Suffys PN, Santos AR 2013. Frequencies of Cytochrome P450 2B6 and 2C8 Allelic Variants in the Mozambican Population. Malays J Med Sci 20: 13-23.

Indexado (fator de impacto >=1 e < 2,71)

Luiz RS, Suffys PN, Barroso EC, Kerr LR, Duarte CR, Freitas MV, Mota RM, Frota CC 2013. Genotyping and drug resistance patterns of Mycobacterium tuberculosis strains observed in a tuberculosis high-burden municipality in Northeast, Brazil. Braz J Infect Dis 17: 338-345.

Mendes-de-Lima CA, Gomes HM, Oelemann MAC, Ramos JP, Caldas PC, Campos CE, Pereira MA, Montes FF, de Oliveira MS, Suffys PN, Moura MM 2013. Nontuberculous mycobacteria in respiratory samples from patients with pulmonary tuberculosis in the state of Rondonia, Brazil. Mem I Oswaldo Cruz 108: 457-462.

Silva MR, Da Silva RA, da Costa RR, de Alencar AP, de Oliveira VM, Fonseca AA, Junior, Sales ML, Issa MD, Soares PM, Filho, Pereira, OT, Santos EC, Mendes RS, Ferreira AM, Mota PM, Suffys PN, Guimarães MDC 2013. Tuberculosis patients co-infected with Mycobacterium bovis and Mycobacterium tuberculosis in an urban area of Brazil. Mem I Oswaldo Cruz 108: 321-327.

Zumárraga MJ, Arriaga C, Barandiaran S, Cobos-Marín L, de Waard J, Estrada-Garcia I, Figueiredo T, Figueroa A, Giménez F, Gomes HM, Gonzalez-y-Merchand JA, Macías A, Milián-Suazo F, Rodríguez CA, Santillán MA, Suffys PN, Trangoni MD, Zárraga AM, Cataldi A 2013. Understanding the relationship between Mycobacterium bovis spoligotypes from cattle in Latin America countries. Res Vet Sci 94: 9-21.

Indexado (fator de impacto >=2,71 e < 4,35)

Vinhas SA, Palaci M, Marques HS, de Aguiar PPL, Ribeiro FK, Peres RL, Dietze R, Gomes HM, Suffys PN, Golub JE, Riley RW, Maciel ELN 2013. Mycobacterium tuberculosis DNA figerprint clusters and its relationship with RDRio genotype in Brazil. Tuberculosis 93: 207-212.

Dalla Costa ER, Lazzarini LC, Perizzolo PF, Diaz CA, Spies FS, Costa LL, Ribeiro AW, Barroco C, Schuh SJ, da Silva Pereira MA, Dias CF, Gomes HM, Unis G, Zaha A, Almeida da Silva PE, Suffys PN, Rossetti ML 2013. Mycobacterium tuberculosis of the RDRio genotype is the predominant cause of tuberculosis and associated with multidrug resistance in Porto Alegre city, South Brazil. J Clin Microbiol 51: 1071-1077.


Indexado (fator de impacto >=1 e < 2,71)
Fontes AN, Gomes HM, de Araujo MI, Albuquerque EC, Baptista IM, Moura MM, Rezende DS, Pessolani MC, Lara FA, Pontes MA, Gonçalves HS, Lucena-Silva N, Sarno EN, Vissa VD, Brennan PJ, Suffys PN 2012. Genotyping of Mycobacterium leprae present on Ziehl-Neelsen-stained microscopic slides and in skin biopsy samples from leprosy patients in different geographic regions of Brazil. Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz 107 Suppl 1: 143-149.

Frota CC, Lima LN, da Silva Rocha A, Suffys PN, Rolim BN, Rodrigues LC, Barreto ML, Kendall C, Kerr LR 2012. Mycobacterium leprae in six-banded (Euphractus sexcinctus) and nine-banded armadillos (Dasypus novemcinctus) in Northeast Brazil. Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz 107 Suppl 1: 209-213.

Parreiras PM, Andrade GI, do Nascimento TF, Oelemann MC, Gomes HM, de Alencar AP, Assis RA, Mota PM, Pereira MA, Lobato FC, Lage AP, Suffys PN 2012. Spoligotyping and variable number tandem repeat analysis of Mycobacterium bovis isolates from cattle in Brazil. Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz 107: 64-73.

Indexado (fator de impacto >=2,71 e < 4,35)
Perizzolo PF, Dalla Costa ER, Ribeiro AW, Spies FS, Ribeiro MO, Dias CF, Unis G, Almeida da Silva P, Gomes HM, Suffys PN, Rossetti ML 2012. Characteristics of multidrug-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis in southern Brazil. Tuberculosis 92: 56-59.

da Silva Rocha A, Cunha M, Diniz LM, Salgado C, Aires MA, Nery JA, Gallo EN, Miranda A, Magnanini MM, Matsuoka M, Sarno EN, Suffys PN, de Oliveira ML 2012. Drug and multidrug resistance among Mycobacterium leprae isolates from Brazilian relapsed leprosy patients. J Clin Microbiol 50: 1912-1917.

de Beer JL, Kremer K, Ködmön C, Supply P, van Soolingen D, Global Network Molecular Surveillance Tuberc 2009 2012. First worldwide proficiency study on variable-number tandem-repeat typing of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex strains. J Clin Microbiol 50: 662-669.

Mokrousov I, Narvskaya O, Vyazovaya A, Otten T, Jiao WW, Gomes LL, Suffys PN, Shen AD, Vishnevsky B 2012. Russian "successful" clone B0/W148 of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Beijing genotype: a multiplex PCR assay for rapid detection and global screening. J Clin Microbiol 50: 3757-3759.

Gomes HM, Elias AR, Oelemann MA, Pereira MA, Montes FF, Marsico AG, Kritski AL, Filho LA, Caldas PC, Posuelo LG, Cafrune P, Rossetti ML, Lucena N, Saad MH, Cavalcanti HR, Leite CQ, de Brito RC, Lopes ML, Lima K, Souza M, Trindade RC, Zozio T, Sola C, Rastori N, Suffys PN 2012. Spoligotypes of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex isolates from patients residents of 11 states of Brazil. Infect Genet Evol 12: 649-656.

Barbosa CB, Lazzarini LC, Elias AR, Leung JA, Ribeiro SB, da Silva MG, Duarte RS, Suffys P, Gomes HM, Kritski AL, Lapa e Silva JR, Ho JL, Boéchat N 2012. Tuberculosis caused by RDRio Mycobacterium tuberculosis is not associated with differential clinical features. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis 16: 1377-1382.


< | _blank>> Abadia E, Zhang J, Ritacco V, Kremer K, Ruimy R, Rigouts L, Gomes HM, Elias AR, Fauville-Dufaux M, Stoffels K, Rasolofo-Razanamparany V, de Viedma DG, Herranz M, Al-Hajoj S, Rastogi N, Garzelli C, Tortoli E, Suffys PN, van Soolingen D, Refrégier G, Sola C. The use of microbead-based spoligotyping for Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex to evaluate the quality of the conventional method: Providing guidelines for Quality Assurance when working on membranes. BMC Infect Dis. 2011 Apr 28;11:110.

< | _blank>> Cardoso Oelemann M, Gomes HM, Willery E, Possuelo L, Batista Lima KV, Allix-Béguec C, Locht C, Goguet de la Salmonière YO, Gutierrez MC, Suffys P, Supply P . The forest behind the tree: phylogenetic exploration of a dominant Mycobacterium tuberculosis strain lineage from a high tuberculosis burden country. PLoS One. 2011 Mar 25;6(3):e18256

< | _blank>> Maschmann Rde A, Verza M, Silva MS, Sperhacke RD, Ribeiro MO, Suffys PN, Gomes HM, Tortoli E, Marcelli F, Zaha A, Rossetti ML. Detection of rifampin-resistant genotypes in Mycobacterium tuberculosis by reverse hybridization assay. Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz. 2011 Mar;106(2):139-45.


Vasconcellos SE, Huard RC, Niemann S, Kremer K, Santos AR, Suffys PN, Ho JL 2010. Distinct genotypic profiles of the two major clades of Mycobacterium africanum. BMC Infect Dis 10.

Lasunskaia E, Ribeiro SC, Manicheva O, Gomes LL, Suffys PN, Mokrousov I, Ferrazoli L, Andrade MR, Kritski A, Otten T, Kipnis TL, da Silva WD, Vishnevsky B, Oliveira MM, Gomes HM, Baptista IF, Narvskaya O 2010. Emerging multidrug resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis strains of the Beijing genotype circulating in Russia express a pattern of biological properties associated with enhanced virulence. Microbes Infect 12: 467-475.

Teixeira RL, Silva Jr FP, Silveira AR, Cabello PH, Mendonça-Lima L, Rabahi MF, Kritski AF, Mello FC, Suffys PN, Miranda AB, Santos AR 2010. Sequence analysis of NAT2 gene in Brazilians: Identification of undescribed single nucleotide polymorphisms and molecular modeling of the N-acetyltransferase 2 protein structure. MUTAT RES-FUND MOL M 683: 43-49.


Fontes ANB, Sakamuri RM, Baptista I, Ura S, Moraes MO, Martinez AN, et al. Genetic diversity of Mycobacterium leprae isolates from Brazilian leprosy patients. Leprosy Review. 2009 Sep;80(3):302-15.

Verza M, Maschmann RD, Silva MSN, Dalla Costa ER, Ribeiro MO, Rosso F, et al. In house colorimetric reverse hybridisation assay for detection of the mutation most frequently associated with resistance to isoniazid in Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Memórias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz. 2009 Aug;104(5):710-4.

Dalla Costa ER, Ribeiro MO, Silva MSN, Arnold LS, Rostirolla DC, Cafrune PI, et al. Correlations of mutations in katG, oxyR-ahpC and inhA genes and in vitro susceptibility in Mycobacterium tuberculosis clinical strains segregated by spoligotype families from tuberculosis prevalent countries in South America. Bmc. Microbiology. 2009 Feb;9:11.

Da Costa AR, Lopes ML, Leão SC, Schneider MP, de Sousa MS, Suffys PN, Corvelo TC, Lima KV. Molecular identification of rapidly growing mycobacteria isolates from pulmonary specimens of patients in the State of Pará, Amazon region, Brazil. Diagn. Microbiol. Infect. Dis.. 2009 Set-Dez;65(4):358-64.

Almeida AS, Lago PM, Boechat N, Huard RC, Lazzarini LCO, Santos AR, et al. Tuberculosis Is Associated with a Down-Modulatory Lung Immune Response That Impairs Th1-Type Immunity. Journal of Immunology. 2009 Jul;183(1):718-31.


M.baliza, A.h.bach, I.c.melo, M.m.carneiro, Albuquerque M, Suffys PN, L.rodrigues, R.ximenes, N.lucena-silva 2008. High frequency of resistance to the drugs isoniazid and rifampicin among tuberculosis cases in the city of Cabo de Santo Agostinho, an urban area in Northeastern Brazil. Rev. Soc. Bras. Med. Trop. 41: 11-16.

Ritacco V, López B, Cafrune PI, Ferrazoli L, Suffys PN, Candia N, Vásquez L, Realpe T, Fernández J, Lima KV, Zurita J, Robledo J, Rossetti ML, Kritski AL, Telles M, Palomino J, Heersma H, van Soolingen D, Kremer K, Barrera L 2008. Mycobacterium tuberculosis strains of the Beijing genotype are rarely observed in tuberculosis patients in South America. Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz 103: 489-492.

A.l.gibson, R.c.huard, Pittius NCGV, Lazzarini LCO, Driscoll J, Kurepina N, Zozio T, Sola C, Spindola SM, Kritski AL, Fitzgerald D, Kremer K, Mardassi H, Chitale P, Brinkworth J, Garcia-de-Viedma D, Gicquel B, Pape JW, Soolingen DV, Kreiswirth BN, Warren RM, Helden PDV, Rastogi N, Suffys PN, Silva JE, J.l.ho 2008. Application of sensitive and specific molecular methods to uncover the global dissemination of the major RDRio sublineage of the Latin American-Mediterranean Mycobacterium tuberculosis spoligotype family. J Clin Microbiol 46: 1259-1267.

Possuelo LG, Castelan J, T.c.-de-Brito , A.w.ribeiro, P.i.cafrune, P.d.picon, Santos AR, Teixeira RLF, T.s.gregianini, M.h.hutz, M.l.r.rossetti, A.zaha 2008. Association of slow N-acetyltransferase 2 profile and anti-TB drug-induced hepatotoxicity in patients from Southern Brazil. Eur J Clin Pharmacol 64: 673-681.

Clemente WT, Soares Lima SS, Palaci M, Silva MS, Sumnienski Rodrigues VF, Dalla Costa ER, Possuelo L, Cafrune PI, Ribeiro FK, Gomes HM, Serufo JC 2008. Phenotypic and genotypic characterization of drug-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis strains. Diagn Microbiol Infect Dis 62: 199-204.

Senna SG, Battilana J, Costa JC, Silva MG, Duarte RS, Fonseca LS, Suffys PN, Bogo MR 2008. Sequencing of hsp65 gene for identification of Mycobacterium species isolated from environmental and clinical sources in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. J Clin Microbiol 46: 3822-3825.


Lazzarini LCO, Oelemann MAC, Suffys PN, Silva JRLE, Ho JL 2007. Discovery of a novel Mycobacterium tuberculosis lineage that is a major cause of TB in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. J Clin Microbiol 45: 3891-3902.

Miranda AB, Pacheco AG, Lopes MQP, Suffys PN, Santos AR 2007. Genetic profile of the arylamine N-acetyltransferase 2 coding gene among individuals from two different regions of Brazil . Mutat Res 624: 31-40.

Oelemann MAC, Fontes ANB, Pereira MAS, Bravin Y, Silva G, Degrave WM, Carvalho ACC, Brito RC, Kritski AL, Suffys PN 2007. Typing of Mycobacterium tuberculosis strains isolated in Community Health Centers of Rio de Janeiro City, Brazil. Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz 102: 455-462.


Basta PC, Oelemann MA, Oelemann WM, Fonseca L de S, Coimbra CE Jr 2006. Detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in sputum from Surui Indian subjects, Brazilian Amazon. Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz 101: 581-584.

Suffys PN, Rocha AS, Brandão AA, Vanderborght B, Mijs W, Jannes G, Mello FC, Pedro HS, Fonseca L de S, de Oliveira RS, Leão SC, Saad MH 2006. Detection of mixed infections with Mycobacterium lentiflavum and Mycobacterium avium by molecular genotyping methods. J Med Microbiol 55: 127-131.

Senna SG, Gomes HM, Ribeiro MO, Kristki AL, Rossetti MLR, Suffys PN 2006. In house reverse line hybridization assay for rapid detection of susceptibility to rifampicin in isolates of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. J Microbiol Meth 67: 385-389.

Brudey K, Driscoll JR, Rigouts L, Prodinger WM, Gori A, Al-hajoj SA, Allix C, Aristimuño L, Arora J, Baumanis V, Binder L, Cafrune P, Cataldi A, Cheong S, Diel R, Ellermeier C, Evans JT, Fauville-Dufaux M, Ferdinand S, Garcia-de-Viedma D, Garzelli C, Gazzola L, Gomes HM, Guttierez MC, Hawkey PM, Helden PDV, Kadival GV, Kreiswirth BN, Kremer K, Kubin M, Kulkarni SP, Liens B, Lillebaek T, Ly HM, Martin C, Martin C, Mokrousov I, Narvskaïa O, Ngeow YF, Naumann L, Niemann S, Parwati I, Rahim Z, Rasolofo-Rzanamparany V, Rasolonavalona T, Rossetti ML, Rüsch-Gerdes S, Sajduda A, Samper S, Shemyakin IG, Singh UB, Somoskovi A, Skuce RA, Soolingen DV, Streicher EM, Suffys PN, Tortoli E, Tracevska T, Vincent V, Victor TC, Warren RM, Yap SF, Zaman K, Portaels F, Sola C 2006. Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex genetic diversity: mining the fourth international spoligotyping database (SpolDB4) for classification, population genetics and epidemiology. BMC Microbiol 6: 23-23.

Karboul A, Gey van Pittius NC, Namouchi A, Vincent V, Sola C, Rastogi N, Suffys P, Fabre M, Cataldi A, Huard RC, Kurepina N, Kreiswirth B, Ho JL, Gutierrez MC, Mardassi H 2006. Insights into the evolutionary history of tubercle bacilli as disclosed by genetic rearrangements within a PE_PGRS duplicated gene pair. BMC Evol Biol 6: 107-107.

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