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SCOTCH, M. et al. A qualitative study of state-level zoonotic disease surveillance in new England. Zoonoses Public Health, Berlim, v.58, n.2, p.131-139, Mar. 2011.

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MONTEIRO, V. S.; CARDOSO, T. A. O. Biossegurança para o controle de Zoonoses e doenças transmitidas por vetores no Município de Rio Bonito, Rio de Janeiro.
Cadernos saúde coletiva, Rio de Janeiro, v.19, n.1, jan.-mar. 2011.

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HEGAZY, Y. M. Ruminant brucellosis in the Kafr El Sheikh Governorate of the Nile Delta, Egypt: prevalence of a neglected zoonosis. PLoS neglected tropical diseases, Bethesda, v. 5, n. 1, p. e944, Jan. 2011.

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MEGERSA, B. et al.Cattle brucellosis in traditional livestock husbandry practice in Southern and Eastern Ethiopia, and its zoonotic implication. Acta veterinaria scandinavica, Copenhagen, v.53, n.1, p.24, Apr. 2011.

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CASCIO, A. The socio-ecology of zoonotic infections. Clinical microbiology and infection, v. 17, n.3, p.336-42, Mar. 2011. 
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