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Acesso Livre 1


ALI, S. et al. IL12B SNPs and copy number variation in IL23R gene associated with susceptibility to leprosy.Journal of Medical Genetics, London, v. 50, n. 1, p. 34-42, Jan. 2013.

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Acesso Livre 2

MARQUES, C. S. et al. Toll-like receptor 1 N248S single-nucleotide polymorphism is associated with leprosy risk and regulates immune activation during mycobacterial infection. Journal of infectious diseases, Chicago, v. 208, n. 1, p. 120-129, Jul. 2013.

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GARBINO, J. A. et al. Primary neural leprosy: systematic review. Arquivos de Neuropsiquiatria, São Paulo, v. 71, n. 6, p. 397-404, Mar. 2013.

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ALMEIDA, J. R. S. et al. Autopercepção de pessoas acometidas pela hanseníase sobre sua saúde bucal e necessidade de tratamento / Self-perception of people afflicted with leprosy regarding their oral health and the need for treatment. Ciência & saúde coletiva, Rio de Janeiro, v. 18, n. 3, mar. 2013.

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NERY, J. A. C. et al. Understanding the type 1 reactional state for early diagnosis and treatment: a way to avoid disability in leprosy / Compreender melhor o estado reacional tipo 1 para o diagnóstico e tratamento precoces: uma forma de se evitar as incapacidades na hanseníase.Anais Brasileiros de Dermatologia, Rio de Janeiro, v. 88, n. 5, p. 787-792, 2013.

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VITAL, R. T.; et al. Isolated median neuropathy as the first symptom of leprosy. Muscle and Nerve, Boston, v. 48, n. 2, p. 179-184, Aug. 2013.

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DEPS, P. et al. Clinical and histological features of leprosy and human immunodeficiency virus co-infection in Brazil. Clinical and Experimental Dermatology, Oxford, v. 38, n. 5, p. 470-477, Jul. 2013.

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DAVE, B.; BEDI, R. Leprosy and its dental management guidelines. International Dental Journal, v. 63, n. 2, p. 65-71, Apr. 2013.

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RAFFE, S. F. et al. Diagnosis and treatment of leprosy reactions in integrated services--the patients' perspective in Nepal. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, San Francisco, v. 7, n. 3, p. e2089, 2013.

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WENG, X. et al. Molecular, ethno-spatial epidemiology of leprosy in China: novel insights for tracing leprosy in endemic and non endemic provinces. Infection, Genetics and Evolution, Amsterdam, v. 14, p. 361-368, Mar. 2013.

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